Whether you're looking to update, decorate or refresh just one room or a whole house, our team will help you achieve it. Specialised in interior design, furnishing and display advices, our services are useful for those who appreciate hands-on materials, photos, inspiration images and design boards as guides to realize any project. Not only focusing on furniture or accessories, we can also help with anything from flooring, to paint colors, to curtains etc... we can work with a specific budget, your style and unique space. We'll even incorporate any of your existing pieces into the room design. We create the best possible version of your space to make you feel good, with real professional interior design and decorator advice. We work with clients from all over the world, individuals & professionnals.
无论您是改造一个房间还是裝修整棟房子,我们都會为您提供實用的設計服務,我們會通過材料,照片,灵感圖和设计樣板為您提供整改或設計方案。 我们不只专注于家具或家居配件,还为您提供从色彩,地板,燈具,窗帘,地毯,藝術品等一切室內造型和佈局的專屬建議。我们可以按照特定的预算,特定的风格和独特的空间環境进行設計工作。 我们甚至可以整合您现有的空間狀況及物品來運用到未來的设计方案之中。 我们為来自世界各地的客户服務,也與所有个人,設計師,专业人士,團隊和公司進行室內造型項目合作。
Whether you have a distinct taste, or a unique space that needs custom design pieces, from East to West, modern, classic, design, innovative, we will help you get anything made, according to your needs, life style and character. Made to order and tailor made Wooden furniture, each piece is unique, 100% handcrafted by our experienced cabinet makers in our factory based in China. Emphasizing craftsmanship and quality, we always pay good attention to design, colours, and details. No matter where you are, your furniture can be shipped all around the world.
無論您擁有怎樣的獨特空間,獨特氣質,獨特品味,無論您鍾意东方還是西方,现代還是经典,傳統或是创新,我们都会根据您的具體需求,生活方式和性格特質,為您設計及訂製生產僅屬於您的家具產品。每件量身定制的木制家具,都是独一无二的,由我们设在中国的工厂製作。每一件家具均由經驗豐富的中國家具匠人100%手工制作完成。 我们始终关注设计,颜色,细节和质量。我們堅持手工,相信品質。更重要的是,无论您身在何处,我们的家具都可以幫您运往世界各地。
We provide interior design & decoration services, but that's not it. We also provide advices to get your environment in alignment with who you are and where you want to go to harmonize your energy with your home's energy. Do not forget that our homes are a mirror of what's happening inside us, and it always starts at the door. Energy is not only present inside you, but in everything, even in inanimate objects.
Giving a soul to your place is not to make it look good, but to make you feel good.
* For more info & details: www.cedric-rexo.com
我们提供室内设计和造型服务,但不僅僅只有這些。 我们还為您提供環境及能量建议,以幫助您的环境与您的身份及您內心的期望保持一致,讓您的能量与空間的能量更為協調。 不要忘记我们的居所及空間也是我们内心世界的一面镜子。 能量不仅存在于您的体内,也存在于一切事物之中,甚至包括那些无生命的物体。给您的環境場所賦予灵魂,不是只让它看起来不错,最重要的是能讓身在其中的您能真正的感覺良好並身心舒適。
* 如有興趣了解更多細節及相關訊息: www.cedric-rexo.com
China 中國,France 法國,USA 美國,Singapore 新加坡,Germany 德國,Sweden 瑞典,Italy 義大利,Brasil 巴西,Switzerland 瑞士,Japan 日本,England 英國,Argentina 阿根廷,Norway 挪威,Netherlands 荷蘭,Belgium 比利時, Russia 俄國, Canada 加拿大, Korea 韓國 .